've hemmed and hawed for years about getting my gun license, concealed carrying and getting back into gun competitions since I left the service. As silly as it sounds, when I turned in my guns when I left the Ranger Regiment I told myself I'd never pick another one up unless I got called to war or it was the apocalypse.
There were a host of issues that kept me from pulling the trigger (haha, see what I did there) since then, not the least of which being I had no faith or trust in the person I lived with being "trusted" with a gun. But, now as a single guy, not wanting to put my own security and safety in someone else's hands and wanting to get back to hunting and shooting, I figured now was as good a time as any. So...a little research too find the requisite NRA classes (taken at $125 worth ugh) and now I can apply for my license. And so it begins...