Unfortunately I've not been to the range...or really even standing up over the last 9 days because of reconstructive hip surgery. One of the motivating factors to get me back up and walking was that I wanted to try out that new Mossberg shotgun I bought and that since shooting is a perishable skill, I knew that time off the gun is bad.
Talk about a happy boy to get back on the range! First up, get rounds through that brand new
Mossberg 930 JM Pro shotgun...and it's like buttah!!! Smooth action
and spot on the target at 20 plus feet...all 8 rds. I mean ALL 8 rounds, center of the target. This good on a static range?! I can't wait to get it outside for hunts and competition.
Next up, three round multi-target drills with mag changes
with my
SigSauer P938 and P229 to knock off some rust...then onto
single round multi-target engagements at 30ft with mag changes with both
guns. Ya, I missed this. Now that I can stand and move and shoot like
this, I gotta find some competitions!